tisdag 26 oktober 2010

New Mamapics

Golden helicopter, somewhere to the right he was. I have never seen the Swedish prime minister in reality.

Hello everyone! Haha even follower in Spain, How are you Sandra?? Thinking of all of you, but yesterday mostly of Ake, Lena Britta and kids! I followed you Ake!! And will always remember you. To me you are a friendly and responsability-taking man, impressevely active and informed all your long life. But now more pics from Zambia. Another man, the preseident Mr. Rupia Banda was in Mpongwe, right at our school and we rushed there to see and greet him. Forgetting about the sand when a helicopter is landing, so everybody rushed back again and tried to hide behind trees and cars. Laura, I tried to hide the camera under my dress (not easy).
 Inshima. Maizzeporridge, formed into a spone and you pick up the sauce/relish with it. I like it a lot.
 Mpongwe Upper Basic School.
 Staff room Mpongwe Upper Basic.
 Eunice in the House in Kanyenda. Dorrposterna bor snyggas till lite. Att gora rent EN tog bara 4 timmar...
 Building this oven to burn bricks. Women smash the clay. After burning - destroyed.
 In the morning 05.19
Fellow teacher Justine. If I was young again...

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