måndag 29 november 2010

In Lusaka. Hjartat bloder.

Trummis till Eva (har du redan fatt honom??)

hehe. Nu har jag sett bade grona gula och lila sana har. Mangos .

Majs Kolv Explosion

Ratt vackert i kinesernas verkstad. Utanfor kopte vi kraftor fran damm, 4 kg for 70 skr och de kravlade runt i bilen pa vag hem..

Vantar pa skjuts hem. De har akt nio timmars buss fran Boardingschool. Grade 9. Lov!

In Lusaka. Knogarna blodiga.


Den anvands.

Ingen uppkoppling forst sa medans jag vantade blev det ett julkort... till just DIG!

Jaha och sa ser det ut darhemma!! Dottern till hoger forsoker sig pa Maorimalning...UNDERBART TAAACK!!
Ojoj jag slog knogarna blodiga nyss bara for att komma ut genom porten. Ar sa himla radd for hunden dar, ville ut fort fort fort och klamde knogarna sa att Agnes fick komma med saxen till den meter plaster som jag gar runt med i handvaskan (ratt sliten vid det har laget). Vid gott mod igen traskade jag till internet, ingen sno har inte, solglasogon pa och klanning som visar knana. Hu, det skulle aldrig vara mojligt i byn, dar ar det Chitenke som galler. Det gar INTE att visa knana pa landsbygden, det ar tydligen det ultimata av alla forforingskonster och det aktar jag mig alltsa noga for :-) . Det var verkligen jobbigt i borjan, t ex nar man ska boka sig igenom till platsen langst bak i minibussen eller ala sig ut haha.

torsdag 25 november 2010

More pics from Kanyenda

Dias Grade 3. He had his head properly shaved before going for the excursion. Unfortunately we could not go to the Lodge and watch the animals as planned, as the storm destroyed the roof. The money is needed for restoration.

So lucky noone was hurt!!

Hope, 8 month. What will the blood-test say??

The grandmother of Hope, cooking Monkoyo, trad. beer. for selling
On the oxchart

Market in Kanyenda, women selling dried fish, onions, tomatoes, rep and caterpillars (mmmm)

We made drama  outdoors. Here you see the chief watching dance performances;-)

Denis Grade 1

The neighbours have a tv!

Homemade billiard entertains boys and girls together
Mr. Sembeye at left (one of my favourites) and a Pastor at right
Eunice goes  two weeks without having hair done. When we have time, I help out bit by bit:-)
serving Nshima and Rep-vegetables at school at lunch is fundamental.

tisdag 23 november 2010

How do you fasten metal roofplates

...so they dont blow away, either in pieces or the whole roof? The plates blow away still fastened to the timpber, 150 metres...Thats what happened.  I was in the village at the other side of the road, wanted to get cellphone connection and tace pics of the bamboos there, with the darkgrey sky as background. Knowing there would be not so much time before tne heavy rainfall would come closer. I hurried but when turning I saw lightening all across again and I am bad at estimating how fast the storm is  approaching here in Zambia. So I went to the shopkeeper Trine and Titus, the closed everything and removed everything outside the shop to the indoors, two men from the imbalasa nearby came in and we closed the door, just peeping out of the window, seized as a smaller TV-screen. Program: thunderstorm. We saw the rain exploding down and some smaller whirvelwinds. Afterwards it had gotten dark and they escorted me to the house as they had both flashlight and umbrella. Deep water on the road and black scorpion crossing...hmhm.( But Titus says the red ones are more dangerous... )Coming up to our places we saw, in darkness some metal roofplates around... and it was silent and I did not know if people were hurt by them. People came up to me with expressful relief, they thought I was still in the house but they could not enter as the door was locked. But the roof was completely gone and the heavy rained made the house full of water...one feet deep...

Today its four days afterwards. We are all still chocked but happy noone was hurt. Prosperine already planted some trees and windstoppers. Half the school also lost the metal roof and the timberconstruction underlying the plates. Gosh.
I moved to the place of Eunice. She is the mother of Luendo and the baby Holy, and with Holy she is going to the Hospital in Mpongwe today to get a blood check, Holy has been sick the past days and poor Eunice is quite exhausted. Is there anyone who wants to assist, fell free to contact me. Everything is needed. Fertilizer to make the harvest possible, schoolbooks to teach reading, food to feed the Zambians. Slim almost everyone and everyone with muscles I can tell.

Visited another school, Grade 1-9 with 374 pupils altogether. 198 of them are single or double orphans or have vulnerable caretakers, meaning for example an old grandmother or some other relative or neighbour. Do you know people, having plates, cups, spoons, toiletpaper and bread is luxurious??? Every action in the house I now stay in claims preparation, so preparing food for example is a timetaking process. Cleaning the bucket to get water, where is the pot, to be dished before heating the water? Are the matches dry, did someone lend them who?? When will we get a lock for the door? What is there to cook? Forget about time, means nothing. Helping each other out, thats what it all is about. A schooluniform cost 35 000 Kwacha, less than sv kr 40.--, neatly made. Tell me if you want to add, my mail is my first name immediatelyfollowed by my familyname and I have gmail.com. But parents can not afford schooluniform for their kids...and the best one in class will get shoes from his mother to celebrate his good marks.

I almost managed to teach the pupils to read these past four weeks, there is much more to say about that. THERE IS a difference between copying on the one hand and being able to write and read oneself on the other hand!

onsdag 10 november 2010

Fonsterkitt var det ja...

...det ser ut som pepparkaksdeg. Annars har jag inte tankt pa Sverige sarskilt mycket, fullt upp.
Tva sondagar i rad har jag gatt till narbelagna katolska lilla kyrkan, pastorn i gul skjorta holl laddad predikan och nar jag sedan pa marknaden ville kopa lite matolja i plastpase, vem salde det at mig om inte samme pastor.
Nu nar regnen borjar komma (bara tva ggr hittills) sa bryter febril aktivitet ut pa falten. Skolbarn uteblir. Falten ska hackas, det ska sas och majsen ska gro! Snart slutar skolterminen, hos oss den 26 november.

Att ata farsk fisk eller torkad fisk, stekt i olja mmmm det ar jattegott. I helgen smakade jag ocksa en bit Hippokott, lite mer lost i konsistensen, som porc iaf at det hallet. Det var memory och hennes systrar som salde vid Kafue River, dar det holls Ceremonials som illustrerade treditionell kultur. och Chieferna halsade pa varandra, den aldre log vanligt mot den nye och gavor overracktes. Och malaren, hans barnbarn och jag satt mitt i smeten. I hettan, sa nagon holl paraply over oss.
At inte choklad i Afrika...Andreas den Toblerone 40 cm som jag fick av Driver var flytande haha sa den hamnade i frysen illa kvickt. Nasta dag fick alla och mmmmmmmvad det var gott!!! Har inte atit choklad pa 1,5 manad. Igar var rena sockerdagen, hade fatt agg av Golden sa vi gjorde pannkakor och det blev jattegott. Laddade med att kopa vetemjol i affaren vilket ar ovanligt, majsmjol ar det som galler och vid kvarnarna ar de vita av allt mjol, lustigt med vita ogonfransar. Nu kommer Esther tillbaka fran lunchen sa nu far jag ge mig, det ar hennes dator...Glada halsningar fran hettan som jag ofortrutet trivs med!! Ar piggare an zambianerna som klagar over hettan, haha...

Fonsterkitt, Clay Day and Ceremonials

Mr. and Mrs. Taulo

Chief Mukutuma

Oxchart right by the house. This very morning the oxes tried to avouid lots of water and almost ran into my veranda. I had to run out to stop them coming in as visitors:-)

Clay day with the pupils. The ultimate camera was made!!

Oxchart in clya- isnt this awsome!

Likisi dancefrom Zambezi

Elias, Grade 1

This very night the lightening went on for hours. Thousands of them! Rainy season is coming. So far it has been warm during day and night. Now there are thunders coming up followed by heavy rains (only tips so far Mr. Golden says) and afterwards its HOT during day. This night I woke up three times, checking the door and window. The house has windows in all directions, I was surrounded by lightening, but not scared. Even though the company of the tilemaker and his assistant for six days was nice.